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  2. Q&A

Q & A


Are donations made to the Nagoya University Foundation put to use immediately?

Donations to the Nagoya University Foundation will be reserved as funds, and their returns will be used for the advancement of various projects. We are striving to increase the capital in this fund steadily in the future, so that it may become one of the largest financial pillars of our University.
In addition, Special Funds were established in AY2016, for which part of donated contributions are used directly for various projects.

What is the minimum donation amount?

We request you to donate at least 10,000 yen if you make a donation by bank or postal transfer, similar at least 1,000 yen if you make a donation by credit card.
We appreciate your support and cooperation in understanding the purposes of the Foundation. Donations may also be made in installments.

Is there a deadline for donations?

Although the Foundation was established to commemorate the 70th anniversary of our University, it is a perpetual fund with no deadline for contributions.

Can I be provided with a receipt for my donation?

A receipt will be issued for your donation, dated according to when the donated funds are received by the University, and sent roughly two weeks to one month after the funds are received.
If you donate by credit card, it will take approximately one or two months from the date of the donation until the funds are credited by the credit companies to Nagoya University. In such a case, the receipt will be dated with the day the funds are received by Nagoya University, rather than the date on which the donation is made. Please note that depending on the date when donations are made, receipts may be issued dated in the year following the donation, if that is when they are received by the University.

Are there any tax benefits for making a donation?

You can receive various tax benefits through donations to Nagoya University. Please refer to the Tax Benefits page for details.
In addition, you can receive tax benefits for non-monetary donations as well.

Contact Us

Nagoya University Development Office
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya City, 464-8601
TEL +81- (0)52-789-4993  FAX +81- (0)52-747-6383
E-mail do@kikin.nagoya-u.ac.jp