Make a Donation

  1. STEP1 Enter
  2. STEP2 Confirm
  3. STEP3 Complete
* entry required

Donation Information

Purpose of Donation*
choose a way of using donate*
If you donate 1 million yen or more, you can specify how it will be used.

Other way of using donation
Reason for Donation
How did you know a donation and why do you donate to Nagoya University?
Please write a reason up to 140 characters.
Entered character number: characters
Donation Methods and Amount*

Select one donation method from the following and enter the Donation amount

  • (JPY)
  • (JPY)
  • (JPY)
  • (JPY)

Already Have an Account?

If you donate for the first time or don't have an account, please enter below.
Sign in to an existing account.

Guidance of create an account Guidance of create an account

Login ID

Contact Information

Name* First
Birthday* Month   / Day   / Year
City, ZIP/Postal Code, Country
Confirm Email Address
Relationship with Nagoya University*
Listing of Donor's Information
We may post your name and other information on our website
Please place a check mark in the box below if you agree that the information will be published on the university's website or the like.

Nameplate Display
If you donate 200,000 yen or higher, a plate with you name engraved will be displayed in Toyoda Auditorium. Please place a check mark in the box below if you wish your nameplate to be displayed.
Information from Nagoya University

Do you wish to receive information from Nagoya University?

Donation Receipt

Comment on Our Website
You can write a brief comment on our website.

Entered character number: characters
Advice and proposal
Please feel free to write a comment up to 140 characters.

Entered character number: characters

Payment Details

  • Payment by Credit Card

Payment can be made with any credit card displaying one of the following marks

visa master jcb amex diners

Card Number

  • * 412345678999999

Expiry date

/   Month / Year   * 01 / 25

* Enter only the last two digits of the year
* Please be sure to enter the expiry date in the order of month and year as shown on the card.


* 123

CVV is an anti-fraud security feature to help verify that you actually have the physical credit card. The CVV number is located as illustrated in the image below.

security_1 security_2 security_3

Payment InstructionsPayment Instructions

Need a New Account?

  • Please use this option if you would like your information to be saved for the next time you apply.
    * An account is required for a recurring donation.

Please read the Notices before submitting this form.